Dimensional Heroes Wiki
Jinbe Anime Infobox

Jimbei is a Whale Shark Fishman. A former member of the Sun Pirates and the Seven Warlords. He is currently one of Big Mom's allies but plans to leave and join the Straw Hat Pirates. He is also a member of the Dimensional Heroes. Jimbei grew up in the orphanage that became the Fishman District, alongside Arlong, Macro, and Fisher Tiger. He trained at the Fishman Karate Dojo at an early age and earned a black belt in Fishman Karate while still in his childhood. Around fifteen years before the current storyline, Jimbei was a soldier of the Neptune Army. While Otohime was preaching to her people, Jimbei commented that her preaching was going nowhere. He was then seen frowning at Arlong's ill-mannered behavior towards the Fishman Island citizens. When Arlong was harassing a new recruit of the Neptune Army, Jimbei scornfully commanded Arlong to let him go, to which Arlong snidely complied. Jimbei and Arlong then each gave Fisher Tiger equally warm greetings after he returned to the island from an adventure. After Fisher Tiger attacked Mariejois and became an enemy of the World Government, Jimbei resigned from the military and joined the Sun Pirates.

Jimbei is black belt in Fishman Karate as well as a user of Fishman Jujitsu. He is also capable of using Armament Haki as well as communicating with marine life, most notably Whale Sharks. Due to his skills, he's considered the marine expert and martial artist of the Dimensional Heroes.

Bounty: 438,000,000 to 1,100,000,000
